In a few hours Belgium will have a new federal goverment, 540 days after the federal elections.
Why did it take so long, when from the start there were 2 clear winners.
The NV-A in Flanders and PC in Wallonia. Well, first the PS and most of the Walloon parties like the way Belgium is and don't want to change it, while the NV-A and a large part of the Flemish voters wanted very big structural reforms. After 365 a coallition of the willing ejected the NV-A from the negociations and they contoniud based on a proposal that went far below of what the Flemish wanted.
So now there is an agreement and a goverment, but don't be fooled by the words of the politicians who are in it. Nothing will change and for the Flemish things are only get worse.
1)BHV was split, this was the root cause of why the last goverment fell back in 2010. However the way they split it now will not solve the long term problem, with French speaking citizens in Flanders demanding more 'special rights' and their own represenatation in Flemish parlement.
2)The index, a system thats exclusive to Belgium that cause wages to rise or drop based on prices of certain goods and services. The EU wanted changes to this system so that the Belgium can still compete. This remains unchanged.
3)Europe asked for changes in the pension system, these changes have been agreed on but will only be implemented from 2016-2018, so when the next goverment will be at the helm.
4)The deficit for 2012 had to be 2.8% or lower, this was achieved but only by 'virtual' cuts and real-life tax rases. (I speak about virtual cuts cause of why they did so. In certain goverment expenses they normally take an estimated of how it will cost in the next fiscal year, if the costs turn out lower the money left over will not be spend. What they did now is just lower the estimate)
This goverment doesn't have a majority on the Flemish side of the country, that while the Flemish make out 64% of Belgiums population. The Walloons even refuse to give up any mp's, leading to a goverment comprising of 7 Flemish mp + 8 French/Walloon mp's (the 8 include the PM Di Rupo who still hasn't shown to be able to rise above his party or the Walloons), as compensation the Walloons propose that the Flemish get 3 extra vice-pm's, so this goverment could be larger then the previous one, be less efficient.
And that in time of financial crisis's.
So for these reasons, to many to write down, the new Belgium goverment,Di Rupo I, is a scam and doesn't
even deserve being called a democratic goverment.
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