Yesterday, I was not a happy person.
First I had a busy day, with lots of side-quests eh side-jobs,second my market import package that loads in the market prices failed. Having no time to correct it at the time I had to sacrifice my lunch hour to check it.
I first added a dataviewer to the output of the script that collects the data, before it gets processed, and the problem was found easy. The eve markets had decided to start putting the decimal value with median.
Example,Tritanium was 3 isk on Wensday and 3.39 isk on thursday. The failure was in the conversion object that had to convert that into a decimal. It freaked out and so failed the entire package.
So I made the necessary changes and ran the package again, it ran.
But the big surprise was at the end when I checked my results, a 189 million isk had suddenly been created on my ore, and that in a week where I hadn't done much in EvE.
So for me the relative small change the eve markets did had a big effect on me.
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