For those who know NCIS (TV series) will know where it comes from.
This week I had to make a Navision 5.0 work on Windows 7 and with SQL Server.
Ok, I succeeded but found out I had to set a traceflag,namely flag 4616,on every time I restarted the Navision or the SQL Server Enterprise Manager.
So I searched how I could set the flag all the time and found the solution adding -T4616 to the startup parameters, all went fine until yesterday when the SQL Server stopped and refused to restart.
I checked the error via the Windows Event log, searched the web and tried the solutions.
None worked, until yesterday evening I taught 'Hey, I changed the startup parameter recently'. So this morning I removed the change I made and restarted the service, success.
Now before I continued I started looking again for what could have gone wrong, and I soon found it.
The blog page about connecting Navision to SQL Server, it stated that you should add -T4616 to the startup parameters to make it work, this was wrong, it should have been ;-T4616.
SO the lesson here is when you find something on the internet, don't believe it immediately, locate a second and maybe a third source saying the same thing. Be aware though that there are a lot of copy and paste sites out there, so check if the other sources are saying the same thing but with other words.